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Unoccupied Home Staging Services

Key Impressions home staging services in Santa Cruz, CA - helping you sell your home faster with gorgeous staging and design!

Most individuals have very limited visualization skills when trying to imagine what an empty room looks like furnished. An empty house can be cold

and room configurations can be

challenging when trying to determine furniture placement and size requirements.

In the case of an unoccupied home, it is not always necessary to furnish every room in the house. Typically it is only essential to stage the major living areas such as the entry, living room, dining room, master bedroom as well as the kitchen and bathrooms.

It is also important to furnish any room whose function or size is questionable, such as an odd shaped room or a small bedroom/office. Furniture and color is a tremendous asset in this situation by adding warmth and personality as well as proportion and functionality.

“Owning the inventory gives Key Impressions tremendous flexibility with
tight schedules and furnishings that are style and size appropriate for the house.”

Key Impressions home staging services in Santa Cruz, CA - helping you sell your home faster with gorgeous staging and design!
Key Impressions home staging services in Santa Cruz, CA - helping you sell your home faster with gorgeous staging and design!
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